Qucs- Quite Universal Circuit Simulator - is now as the name suggests, quite universal. Pspice, Tina Pro etc give a very fine experience for circuit designers. But as far as a student is concerned, buying them seems difficult. Even though SPICE and its open source derivatives were free to download, their user interface was diffcult to be handled by a beginner. In such cases, people go for a demo version. But some people need freedom to do anything and Qucs is intended for such people.
Qucs is opensource an run on both Linux and Windows platforms. Most probably, you can find the binary in your OS repo while a readily installable file is available for Windows users.
After successful installation, launch qucs from menu or entering command 'qucs' and hitting enter. A window similar to figure shown will appear with a plane work space. Click components and add std. compnents to workspace by drag and drop. You can change the component parameter by double clicking on the component. A label should be added to the workspace to indicate that which simulation you are doing. For a beginner, it is easy to learn simulation in Qucs after watching this video: Qucs.ogv
Download Qucs video tutorial : Qucs.ogv
Download Qucs sources.
Download Qucs for Windows
Note: You need FreeHDL to be installed along with Qucs in order to simulate digital circuits properly. It will be installed automatically if you install it from repo. If not, you should manually download and install and reinstall Qucs if necessary.
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