
This page is a list of web pages and web logs I usually visit and I hope it may be useful for you. It is not a big list.

Website Description
Instructables Vast collection of tutorials and instructions to build virtually
anything your own.
Hackaday Collection of great hacks.
Beyondlogic Good electronics introductory tutorials. I check this site
when I want to read something understandable.
8052.com Everything needed for good start in 8051/52 embedded
programming and development.
Electronics Hobbyist
Comprehensive electronics tutorials
Electronics Lab Good collection of electronics projects. Best projects are
published in their blog. Free electronics assossiated
software are available for download.
W3schools Learn web programming from beginner level. It is also a
reference for professionals
Jamendo Open music collection.
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HackThisSite They give their site itself for hack. Once get in, you will
learn a lot.
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