Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How to prevent virus from USB pendrive

Sometimes attacks of virus through USB pen drives are a real headache. Even though most of them are trivial, anti virus programs may not catch them. Use this following techniques in order to prevent them.
  • Make a raw file in the name same of a virus file. Most probably, these these files will be hidden. To view this, a good way is open the pen drive in Linux OS. you can see some names such as "virus.exe" on the root folder of pen drive. If it exists, open it using a text editor program and delete all the characters and if you want, include some raw characters and save. If you don't have any such files, but want to prevent them, you first of all need to find the name of that virus file and make a raw file in any text editor and save it in the same extension of the virus file. I successfully prevented a most common virus named "autorun.inf". Warning : This method not always work.
  • Use a good anti virus on your PC as well as in your pen drive. Some good links are and
  • Format your pen drive well, if your head ache is cumbersome. Some virus programs can override quick format in windows. So use GParted.Prevention is better than cure. Formatting is the last chance.

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