Monday, August 30, 2010

Reveal Them! A Qt entertainment

I do some Qt exercise when I get leisure time. RevealThem is just the after effect but I hope source code will be useful for somebody. While I was over consuming my vacation in front of TV, found a nice program like RevealThem. Hiding a celebrity behind a brick wall, and player can remove bricks one at a time so that, a part of the face is visible. People get higher points if they identify the celebrity with minimum number of picks. I found it was interesting to realize in Qt.
How to use the software?
Step1: Download the program(Go to end of this post)
Step2: Download some pictures of celebrities in .jpg format and save it in images/ directory in the directory where the program is installed.
Step3: Open the executable and click 'Load Image'. then you can pick bricks by clicking on it and select correct answer from the list and click 'Check' button. For each pick you, lose your 10 points.
Step4: This program is just for fun only.

Download source code (Tested in both Linux and Windows - 3.27KB)
Download Windows binary (5.03MB)

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