Saturday, June 11, 2011

One day PyBrain came to power....

Recently, I went straight away to PyBrain and found it is useful to AI researchers and enthusiasts. Python rocks once again. PyBrain is a modular library for python. As far as PyBrain developers is concerned, it is Python Based Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Library. PyBrain is opensource and it is licensed under BSD software license.
PyBrain simulates neural networks inside our brain in a computer. Once you created the neural networks, you need to train it for a particular task. Sometimes training of more than thousand times is required to properly get done it's job. Sometimes, training will be frustrating especially when you didn't give proper degree of freedom to the neural network structure. However, I found pyBrain interesting.
It is good idea to start with pyBrain documentation. In the beginning of the tutorial, they provide a simple example of training for an X-OR gate. But it will take a lot of training steps to work properly. But for the same neural network structure, if you are trying to simulate an AND gate or an OR gate, you probably get everything done.

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