Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bhuvan, still have a lot of void

ISRO(Indian Space Research Organization), launched Bhuvan , a Google earth for India (But more than Google earth) after the successful launching of Chandrayan-1. In the first sight, it is like Google earth, but tons of information is there and covering almost all over India. Bhuvan is a strong rival for Google earth, and seems better view than Google earth and have some good features, and is more informative. Currently, Bhuvan works only on Win32 platform. You need a program (about 15MB) and a need a good broad band internet. Bhuvan works fairly well in my system with 2GB RAM. All you need to play with Bhuvan is included in their website.
Bhuvan has enough tools to find exact area, length and other terrestrial info. Bhuvan works well even though you have low bandwidth network because it is designed such a way that it covers almost Indians. I personally don't know Bhuvan supports current GPS systems.

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