Monday, September 14, 2009 A hacker's university! seems like a hacker's university. This website provides a good stuffs useful for hackers (crackers also). The hackers community is really powerful and active. Only you have to do is facing different types of hacking problems and find a quick and easy way to solve it. If you are a perl programmer or a javascript hacker, it is a plus. Innovative php users get the points more. A deep knowledge in html is not needed. Above all, the most important thing is your common sense. The problem phase is broadly classified in to:
personally I felt basic and javascript is good for beginners, but advanced problems like programming missions are needed to eat more points. Earning points is not for just earning points, but it will give you some reputation. You are ranked by your points:

Pentitioner-0 Points
Script Kiddie-700 points
Apprentice-1700 points
Wiseman-3200 points
Master-5400 points
Hacker-7000 points
Elite-8400 points
Sage-10000 points

W3schools help you a lot in learning web programming. Navigate to and show who you are.

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